the Heart of Preparing

Finding Joy in a Self Reliant Life | *Family*Home*Life*

Have you ever seen an opportunity to do good or help someone out and flown past it?

It had been a long day at work and I was trying to hurry home to my family. I had already worked 10 hours without a lunch break, I had stopped to buy groceries, and I was tired.  In my mind, I was headed for home.  I was just getting on the freeway when I saw a young lady setting up a box full of personal items.  I glanced as she quickly held up a sign asking for help to get to college on the other side of the state.  Not thinking I accelerated onto the freeway happy to be headed home.

At that time in my life, I commuted 1 hour each way to work, so once I get onto the freeway my mind would kick into mom mode and go through all the things that I needed to accomplish when I got home.  What are we going to have for dinner?  I wonder how school was today?  Were the kids good?  I tried to clear work from my mind and go through my day reviewing the things I accomplished and the things I wanted to accomplish before bed… etc.  I had gotten 25 minutes down the road when the image of that young girl asking for help popped into my brain.  I spent the remainder of my drive- with nowhere to turn around for 25 miles kicking myself.  Why didn’t I just stop when I first saw her.  All she wanted was a ride.  I could have taken her at least to the exit I get off of to go home. What if she needed a place to stay?  What if that was my daughter just in need of someone to stop and help.  My mind formed a million possibilities of what I had just missed.

The wind was blowing and it was a miserable cold day.  I fretted over that poor girl, young and just trying to find a ride back to school standing on the side of the freeway asking for help. I cried when I got home and told my husband what a terrible person I was.  If I knew anyone in that area I would have called them and told them to go see if she was still there.  I felt so terrible that I had the opportunity to help someone in need and my own worries and thoughts took over and I left the poor girl standing to hope for someone to give her a ride.

How often do we go through a day worried about “what is next” or “what I need to accomplish” and miss the opportunities to serve another?  Or miss the chance to give someone the little help that they need when it is already “on our way” to what we are doing anyway.

I realized that night as I reflected on my missed opportunity for kindness to another, that I needed to be more aware of my surroundings and stop and give help when the opportunity arises. As I reflect back on that day, as I often do, I realize that I need to slow down a little in life and be more prepared to offer some help when it is put in my path.

6 thoughts on “Missed Opportunities

  1. I love this so much and can relate. Something similar happened to me once and to this day, it still serves as a constant reminder to try and stop chasing what I still need to do, and start focusing on what is needed right now, at this very moment in time. This goes for everything in our lives, even our interpersonal relationships. Give that hug, be that shoulder.. You never know how much that someone needed it. Great post!!

  2. This happened to me recently. A tall, skinny young man with blood on his face walked around the store I was in with shorts and NO shoes and it was freezing outside. He had a backpack on and a shaggy look, so I assumed he was homeless. I really wanted to at least buy him some socks, but my problem is I over-analyze things. What if I offend him? What if he thinks I’m weird? What if he’s weird??? By the time I got the nerve to pick up some socks, he was gone. Missed opportunity.

  3. That is great that there are still kind people in this world, your right when I see someone in need my first thought is what if that was one of my children and no one stopped to help. The other day me and my daughter were driving back home and we were stuck on the 5 O’Clock traffic and from far I saw this man and a woman walking down the street he seemed to be yelling at her because she was far behind, as they got closer I noticed she was walking funny…well she had no shoes walking on the road on a 90 degree day in Florida. I always carry a pair of flip flops in my car, just in case I go to the beach or get a pedi. I had my daughter reach out for them and called her to the window handed them to her she looked surprised and was thankful then walked away in a hurry. My daughter said to me “Mommy you have a kind heart”. I said one day I hope you too.

  4. I agree; I’m constantly checking to see what my priorities? I just wanted to encourage you that your heart is willing to be love though — That’s what is beautiful. We are all growing in our ability to love and focus on what matters. Amazing article!

    1. Thanks, Christina <3 I think a reality check to our priorities is much needed. Thank goodness we have the ability to grow and improve and learn to love. I appreciate your kind words.

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